“Just a note of sincere thanks for the amazing and thoroughly professional job you did in facilitating the sale of our house recently.
It was indeed amazing due to the tremendous amount of work you did behind the scenes before and during what was a complex process of preparation and execution. From the research background, consultations with me and the other members of your team, the development of sales materials, and legal preparations to the professional implementation of a well thought out plan and sensitivity to my concerns, I was nothing but impressed from start to successful finish with the resources you brought to bear. It was a pleasure to work with you to get the job done and I appreciated the involvement. You are also to be congratulated in the handling of some unique challenges that needed to be met in this project. Truly impressive and much appreciated. A little more than just sticking a sign on the lawn.
Finally, let me say that this has been more than just a little education for me to have experienced this process and I must admit to a new respect for your profession. Also, I cannot believe any other agent could have done a better job and I say to anyone that you earn your money.
Again, a sincere thanks to you and all members of your team. You are good at what you do.”
– T. Poole, Happy Davisville Village Home Seller